Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Recently while I was brewing some tea, my son came into the kitchen to prep some food. He looked about for the towel that usually hangs on the oven handle, didn't see it there and grabbed for what he thought was a wadded up towel on the counter. Whoa! My tea and the tea bits went flying as he grabbed to rescue whatever was tangled up in the brewing tea. Whew...he caught it! I guess my cute little teapot needed a cozy in order to avert another such accident. I found a simple video showing the method for getting a measurement for my 3 cup pot along with a quick sewing method. Here was the video I watched for measurement and method ideas. Here is another good one with a slightly different assembly method.
Below is my finished Tea Cozy using the ideas gleaned from video #1. I thought about upcycling something like jeans material but as I reflected on my kitchen I decided to use the green and white fabric previously used for the curtain topper you see in the picture since I also have a table runner in that same fabric. In the end, finding a teapot fabric print in my stash I had to use it. Also a blue print used for the lining had been in my stash for a very long time and being able to use it pleased me so much! 

I used a piece of 9x12" paper folded in half , 6x9". Ultimately my pattern needed to be 8 3/4 x 5 1/4". On the 8 3/4 x 5 1/4" folded pattern round the right top corner using a small bowl for the curve shape. 

I opened the pattern fully, then using it, cut 2 main fabrics, 2 lining fabrics and two batting pieces. The top tab used to lift the teapot cozy was lining fabric cut in a rectangle approximately 3"x 1 1/2". 

Optional Tea Cozy Tab: 
Fold both edges of the narrow side to meet in the middle, then fold edges to meet. Stitch about 1/8th inch in on both edges.  (Optionally ribbon could be used.)

For Tea Cozy, layer lining-pretty side up, batting, main print -wrong side touching batting. Do this for both. Stitch the sandwiched layers along the straight side, repeat for second half circle layer. Open and press seam.

Match the 2 liner pieces, pretty side to pretty side being careful to match the center seam. (Leave a 3" opening which will be used to later.) Match the 2 outer pieces, pretty side to pretty side keeping the center seam carefully aligned. The tab (if used) should be placed ends in the seam and loop section carefully centered on the pretty side main print. Stitch all around then finally turn the tea cozy right side out. 

Whip stitch the opening along the lining opening. I selected to expose the lining about 3/8"and stitch in the ditch between the lining and the main print. 
As I was putting this together I pondered whether it might be nice to quilt the fabric first...h-mmm?In the end I decided to proceed without quilting but for another day here is a video I watched with quilting being her focus. Maybe on the next Teapot Cover 😉  

I think my cute teapot cozy needs something to complement it, what do you think? Here are some possible ideas, which would you select?

I may need to try out several other tea cozy styles. My thoughts are on a more snuggly and cinched in style that kinda looked like this.

or this. 

  • Teapot Snuggler 

Of course thinking about sewing possibilities leads me to see what others have done. I liked this potholder because it looked like it could snuggle my small teapot nicely.

Maybe you would like a way to carry your teabags in your purse or luggage. Here is an idea #1 for that. Here is another variation on this idea and yet another

I loved this idea for a set of items,  DIY Coaster Set, Tea Wallet, Reusable Tea Pouch.

Do you take your tea with you when you travel? Look at this clever project! 

Do you prefer watching youtube videos for inspiration or perhaps reading articles or blogs. 

As with so many ideas, this has led me toward many more ideas and
as you can guess, my day ended with a desire to try a few more of these ideas plus a cup of my favorite tea and a sugar cookie too!